New member of the Board

Dear flyfishing friends,

let me share with you some news and reflections regarding the recent elections of the 1st Vice president of FIPS Mouche (with a mandate till next year electoral congress) that were held at the occasion of CIPS congress, while FIPS-Mouche General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa as at least 2 aspects were quite unique in our history.

  1. Combined elections
    We were aware of that fact that there will be high probably less delegates present in person in South Africa and therefore Board decided couple of months ago to carry out the elections as combined – which means to enable not present federation members voting via email beforehand. We consider the elections of any position inside of the Board very seriously and therefore our intention was to open it to obtain the highest possible mandate.
  2. Online (passive) participation
    Over last years during our communication with members, we received a feedback that some federation are not able to afford such travel expenses to take part in congress in person and therefore we decided to introduce online session into GA. Each federation member received a link for that session per email in order they could take part in remotely (in passive mode) and quite interesting number of them did…

I am very pleased that Board received such amount of candidates, and honestly each of them, if elected, would have been a valuable improvement for our Board, anyway only 1 could have been elected. I am specially delighted that at the end of the day the highest support and mandate was given to Cato Vivelid Nilssen (NOR), who has been actively taking part in competition events of FIPS-Mouche for many years. I can remember him very well quite a few years back as member of Norwegian national team, where he has been acting in different roles as angler, captain and manager. Later on he joined the community of International Supervisors and Technical commission of FIPS-Mouche. Last but no least he has been proving a knowledge of our championships also from a different perspective being in a role of International Organizer. All these shortly summarized experiences (more details in attached bio), overall knowledge and his personal capabilities will definitely bring a new energy, ideas and value to FIPS-Mouche and so on behalf of FIPS-Mouche Board (in spite of the fact that Cato is actually on board of our community for many years), I would like this time to welcome Cato “on Board” and to wish him a good luck and looking forward to our further cooperation…

Tight lines
Mario Podmanik
FIPS-Mouche President